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State Library of Florida, Periodicals Collection
Advertisement for the Winton Motor Car Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Printed on page 19 of the September 7, 1912 edition of Harper's Weekly Magazine.
Straining Your Imagination At Your Own Expense
VALUE that can't be shown and proved, but has to be imagined, is a delusion. Y
ou can see physical value equal to the price in the 48 H.P. Winton Six. Its size, workmanship, power, sturdiness, beauty, and comfort are clearly apparent. You don't have to stretch and strain your imagination to realize that the Winton Six has every quality that a thoroughly valuable car ought to have and that it lacks nothing in appearance or performance.
A Difference Not in the Car, but in Price Only
But you will look in vain in steep-priced cars of similar power and size for any equivalent of the higher price. That's because the difference is not in the car: it is a difference in price only.
This price does difference does not make the super-priced car look finer, run better, or last longer.
To prefer any such car to the Winton Six, you must first strain your imagination, and then penalize your checkbook $1000 or more.
And when you do that, just remember that you are paying this excess $1000 or more, not for anything the maker puts into the car, but for your own personal imagination--and imagination isn't any part of a real automobile.
Paying $602.38 for Something You Don't Get
We are able to prove that on six different makes of well-known, high-priced cars, the buyer is forced to pay $602.38 per car for excessive capitalization, and interest and sinking fund charges. These figures are real: the calculation is based on a compilation made from commercial reports by Haskins & Sells, famous certified public accountants.
Let us send you the figures in detail and the whole store. Ask for our "Price Information". With it we will send our 64-page, library-size catalog that gives complete information about the superb Winton Six, the $3000 car that has no competition below $4000 and no superior at any price. Write today.
The Winton Co. guarantees every statement made in WINTON SIX advertising to be true without qualification.
The Winton Motor Car Co.
188 Berea Road, Cleveland O.
New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Straining Your Imagination At Your Own Expense
VALUE that can't be shown and proved, but has to be imagined, is a delusion. Y
ou can see physical value equal to the price in the 48 H.P. Winton Six. Its size, workmanship, power, sturdiness, beauty, and comfort are clearly apparent. You don't have to stretch and strain your imagination to realize that the Winton Six has every quality that a thoroughly valuable car ought to have and that it lacks nothing in appearance or performance.
A Difference Not in the Car, but in Price Only
But you will look in vain in steep-priced cars of similar power and size for any equivalent of the higher price. That's because the difference is not in the car: it is a difference in price only.
This price does difference does not make the super-priced car look finer, run better, or last longer.
To prefer any such car to the Winton Six, you must first strain your imagination, and then penalize your checkbook $1000 or more.
And when you do that, just remember that you are paying this excess $1000 or more, not for anything the maker puts into the car, but for your own personal imagination--and imagination isn't any part of a real automobile.
Paying $602.38 for Something You Don't Get
We are able to prove that on six different makes of well-known, high-priced cars, the buyer is forced to pay $602.38 per car for excessive capitalization, and interest and sinking fund charges. These figures are real: the calculation is based on a compilation made from commercial reports by Haskins & Sells, famous certified public accountants.
Let us send you the figures in detail and the whole store. Ask for our "Price Information". With it we will send our 64-page, library-size catalog that gives complete information about the superb Winton Six, the $3000 car that has no competition below $4000 and no superior at any price. Write today.
The Winton Co. guarantees every statement made in WINTON SIX advertising to be true without qualification.
The Winton Motor Car Co.
188 Berea Road, Cleveland O.
New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Advertisement for the Winton Motor Car Company, 1912
Advertisement for the Winton Motor Car Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Printed on page 19 of the September 7, 1912 edition of Harper's Weekly Magazine.
State Library of Florida, Periodicals Collection
Harpers Weekly
Florida Boom and Progressive Era (1900-1926)
Business and Industry
Subject - Corporate
Winton Motor Car Company
Straining Your Imagination At Your Own Expense
VALUE that can't be shown and proved, but has to be imagined, is a delusion. Y
ou can see physical value equal to the price in the 48 H.P. Winton Six. Its size, workmanship, power, sturdiness, beauty, and comfort are clearly apparent. You don't have to stretch and strain your imagination to realize that the Winton Six has every quality that a thoroughly valuable car ought to have and that it lacks nothing in appearance or performance.
A Difference Not in the Car, but in Price Only
But you will look in vain in steep-priced cars of similar power and size for any equivalent of the higher price. That's because the difference is not in the car: it is a difference in price only.
This price does difference does not make the super-priced car look finer, run better, or last longer.
To prefer any such car to the Winton Six, you must first strain your imagination, and then penalize your checkbook $1000 or more.
And when you do that, just remember that you are paying this excess $1000 or more, not for anything the maker puts into the car, but for your own personal imagination--and imagination isn't any part of a real automobile.
Paying $602.38 for Something You Don't Get
We are able to prove that on six different makes of well-known, high-priced cars, the buyer is forced to pay $602.38 per car for excessive capitalization, and interest and sinking fund charges. These figures are real: the calculation is based on a compilation made from commercial reports by Haskins & Sells, famous certified public accountants.
Let us send you the figures in detail and the whole store. Ask for our "Price Information". With it we will send our 64-page, library-size catalog that gives complete information about the superb Winton Six, the $3000 car that has no competition below $4000 and no superior at any price. Write today.
The Winton Co. guarantees every statement made in WINTON SIX advertising to be true without qualification.
The Winton Motor Car Co.
188 Berea Road, Cleveland O.
New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Straining Your Imagination At Your Own Expense
VALUE that can't be shown and proved, but has to be imagined, is a delusion. Y
ou can see physical value equal to the price in the 48 H.P. Winton Six. Its size, workmanship, power, sturdiness, beauty, and comfort are clearly apparent. You don't have to stretch and strain your imagination to realize that the Winton Six has every quality that a thoroughly valuable car ought to have and that it lacks nothing in appearance or performance.
A Difference Not in the Car, but in Price Only
But you will look in vain in steep-priced cars of similar power and size for any equivalent of the higher price. That's because the difference is not in the car: it is a difference in price only.
This price does difference does not make the super-priced car look finer, run better, or last longer.
To prefer any such car to the Winton Six, you must first strain your imagination, and then penalize your checkbook $1000 or more.
And when you do that, just remember that you are paying this excess $1000 or more, not for anything the maker puts into the car, but for your own personal imagination--and imagination isn't any part of a real automobile.
Paying $602.38 for Something You Don't Get
We are able to prove that on six different makes of well-known, high-priced cars, the buyer is forced to pay $602.38 per car for excessive capitalization, and interest and sinking fund charges. These figures are real: the calculation is based on a compilation made from commercial reports by Haskins & Sells, famous certified public accountants.
Let us send you the figures in detail and the whole store. Ask for our "Price Information". With it we will send our 64-page, library-size catalog that gives complete information about the superb Winton Six, the $3000 car that has no competition below $4000 and no superior at any price. Write today.
The Winton Co. guarantees every statement made in WINTON SIX advertising to be true without qualification.
The Winton Motor Car Co.
188 Berea Road, Cleveland O.
New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Chicago Manual of Style
Advertisement for the Winton Motor Car Company, 1912. 1912-09-07. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/305314>, accessed 1 January 2025.
Advertisement for the Winton Motor Car Company, 1912. 1912-09-07. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 1 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/305314>