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State Archives of Florida, Series S278
Letter from Ernest Coe to those who have worked to create Everglades National Park emphasizing all the work left to be done before the park could open to the public. Coe notes the importance of strong leadership for the success of the park and states that the Everglades National Park Association will be responsible for most of the work.
Geographic Term
Cosmos Club
Washington, D.C.
June 4, 1934
Dear Fellow Workers:
It is quite impossible for me, working as I am with a clearly outlined course before me, to appreciate how little the average individual knows of the necessary accomplishments to put the Everglades Park project over.
Some people will judge others by themselves and their actions by what they think they would do if in another's place. It is but natural then for some to believe that Coe is "nursing a job".
Between the extremes of believing that the Everglades Park Bill would have been passed by Congress anyway and that the whole project was impossible, those who have hung on through all of this have had hard sledding and the end is not yet.
We now know that we can have the Everglades Park providing we work for it;it is possible now. Whose job is it to guide the ship through all the troublesome waters certain to be encountered between now and the day when the park will be a reality? Who is to further guide public opinion both State and National to an understanding of the whole project and keep up the enthusiasm necessary to the success of the project, that further legislation connected with it will have the backing of the public? Without a well understood guiding hand at the helm to meet and even anticipate emergencies and be ready to cope with them, this park project may lag for years and quite possibly never materialize.
The history of other park projects warrants serious concern regarding the Everglades project if there is to be any lack of well organized leadership allowed to arise through lack of appreciation of the emergency.
Florida has both a great privilege and great obligation presented and imposed. It owes it to itself and to the nation to appreciate the first and perform the second. Surely Florida can be depended on in this emergency. The burden, if burden it is, of the bulk of the responsibility for success with the Everglades National Park Association, as has been the case up to now. This is the opinion of those with a wide acquaintance with this and other park matters.
Sincerely yours,
Ernest F. Coe, Chairman
Everglades National Park Association
Letter from Ernest Coe to Fellow Workers, 1934
Parks -- Florida -- Everglades
National parks and reserves -- Florida -- Everglades
Protected areas -- Florida -- Everglades
Letter from Ernest Coe to those who have worked to create Everglades National Park emphasizing all the work left to be done before the park could open to the public. Coe notes the importance of strong leadership for the success of the park and states that the Everglades National Park Association will be responsible for most of the work.
Coe, Ernest F., 1866-1951
State Archives of Florida, Series S278
letters (correspondence)
Depression Era Florida (1926-1939)
Geographic Term
Washington (D.C.)
Everglades National Park (Fla.)
Politics And Government
Subject - Corporate
Florida. Governor (1933-1937 : Sholtz)
United States. Congress
Cosmos Club (Washington, D.C.)
Everglades National Park Association (Miami, Fla.)
Cosmos Club
Washington, D.C.
June 4, 1934
Dear Fellow Workers:
It is quite impossible for me, working as I am with a clearly outlined course before me, to appreciate how little the average individual knows of the necessary accomplishments to put the Everglades Park project over.
Some people will judge others by themselves and their actions by what they think they would do if in another's place. It is but natural then for some to believe that Coe is "nursing a job".
Between the extremes of believing that the Everglades Park Bill would have been passed by Congress anyway and that the whole project was impossible, those who have hung on through all of this have had hard sledding and the end is not yet.
We now know that we can have the Everglades Park providing we work for it;it is possible now. Whose job is it to guide the ship through all the troublesome waters certain to be encountered between now and the day when the park will be a reality? Who is to further guide public opinion both State and National to an understanding of the whole project and keep up the enthusiasm necessary to the success of the project, that further legislation connected with it will have the backing of the public? Without a well understood guiding hand at the helm to meet and even anticipate emergencies and be ready to cope with them, this park project may lag for years and quite possibly never materialize.
The history of other park projects warrants serious concern regarding the Everglades project if there is to be any lack of well organized leadership allowed to arise through lack of appreciation of the emergency.
Florida has both a great privilege and great obligation presented and imposed. It owes it to itself and to the nation to appreciate the first and perform the second. Surely Florida can be depended on in this emergency. The burden, if burden it is, of the bulk of the responsibility for success with the Everglades National Park Association, as has been the case up to now. This is the opinion of those with a wide acquaintance with this and other park matters.
Sincerely yours,
Ernest F. Coe, Chairman
Everglades National Park Association
Chicago Manual of Style
Coe, Ernest F., 1866-1951. Letter from Ernest Coe to Fellow Workers, 1934. 1934-06-04. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/345826>, accessed 8 January 2025.
Coe, Ernest F., 1866-1951. Letter from Ernest Coe to Fellow Workers, 1934. 1934-06-04. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 8 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/345826>