Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.
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Reception by the "DeLeonites" and "DeSoters," accompanied by a band - De Leon Springs, Florida
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This appears to be some sort of demonstration or rally for women's suffrage (or perhaps a parody of it). Some men are dressed as women, while other men and women are in clown outfits; at least one woman (standing in front of the large "Welcome" sign on the wagon) is wearing a man's suit. Some of the signs held by participants read, left-to-right: "Freddie / Good old scout / Best out"; "We want our rites / Votes for wimmin"; "Votes for women / Oh you suffragette"; "I traveled the earth to get to DeLeon"; "I want my rites, no mere man can get my Angora" [i.e., 'get my goat'].
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Reception by the "DeLeonites" and "DeSoters," accompanied by a band - De Leon Springs, Florida. 1917-03-17. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/34885>, accessed 28 December 2024.
Reception by the "DeLeonites" and "DeSoters," accompanied by a band - De Leon Springs, Florida. 1917-03-17. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 28 Dec. 2024.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/34885>