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Storytellers at the 1998 Florida Folk Festival (Storytelling Tent) (Sunday)
Source: S1576 , Container 71 , C98-37, C98-38, C98-39, C98-40, C98-41, C98-42, C98-43, C98-44, C98-45, C98-46, C98-47, C98-48, C98-49, C98-50, C98-51, C98-52
Type: Sound
This item has not yet been digitized. It is available for use in person at the State Archives in Tallahassee. You may also order a copy – click on the Ordering tab for details.
Collector or Fieldworker
Tradition Bearer
Taylor, Hank
Sweet, Frank
Storytelling Sims, The
Johnson, John
Page, Sharlyn
Newsome, Virginia
Patterson, Bob (Robert D.), 1941-
Matlock, David
Bruce, Annette
Drury, John
Forney, Ada
Koontz, Christie
Case, Nancy
Harshbarger, Shelley, 1951-
Campbell, Wendell
Hackworth, Diane
Boomslang Swampsinger (Vincent B. Meade), 1936-2016
Lazonby, Lance
Title of Work
Jack T
Wee Red Man
Why Dogs Sniff Other Dogs
18th Century stories and songs (Lee & Sweet) (C98-38)
Obedient Albert (Sims) (C98-39)
Creation story
Sorry is as Sorry Does
Calf and Bill Agamemnon
Uncle Cohlie (Johnson) (C98-40)
Water and Wind
Cat and His Drum
Grandpa Johnson and the Army
Dog and Firstmaker
Bolin Monroe
What you Want, Baby I Got It (Page) (C98-41)
Creation story
Uncle Ed Tells a Fish Tale
Grandpas Nightfishing
King and a Dessert
One-Eyed Man and the Two Cousins (Newsom) (C98-42)
Cow Salve
Hatchie Hen
Why Mockingbirds Dont Sing on Fridays in Florida
Peasants folk tales
Stories & songs (Patetrson) (C98-43)
How Old Blue Died (Matlock & Bruce) (C98-44)
Professor Gardner (Drury)
Mr Buzzard and Mr. Hawk (Forney)
Bell of Ottrey (Koontz)
My Father the Preacher and Cousin Elton (Case)
Rocket man (Drury) (C98-45)
Uncles Cattle Ranch
Uncles Farm
Little Red Riding Hood (Harshbarger) (C98-46)
Devils Luck
Tommyknocker and the Lazy Boy
It Could Be Worse
If People Could Fly (Campbell) (C98-47)
My Mosquitos Buzz (Cont, on C98-48)
Possum and Snake (Hackworth)
Turtle Who Talked Too Much
Wide-Mouth Frog
Tom the Toad
Mr. Johnson and the Stray Cat
Mijo Kokodrie (Matlock) (C98-49)
Who has Most Strength
Fiddler Crab
Plez Lewis the Trickster (Forney) (C98-50)
im Billies Hat (Boomslang) (C98-51)
Notary Public March
Moonglow Motel
Flamingo Roadkill Cafe
Lead Bottom Saga (Lazonby) (C98-52)
On Economics
Dreaming a Lottery Win
Lord Giveth and Taketh Away
Stories (Case)
Place Name
Corporate or Conference Name
Order by Mail
State Archives of Florida500 S. Bronough St.
MS #9 D
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
(Please do not send cash in the mail.)
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Sound Archivist
Audio Duplication
Cassette to CD | $10.00 per cassette |
CD to CD | $10.00 per disc |
DAT to CD | $25.00 per tape |
Reel-to-Reel Transfer to CD | $25.00 per tape |
Item ID
Event Name
Collector or Fieldworker
Tradition Bearer
Title of Work
MP3 Flag
Folklife - ID
Chicago Manual of Style
Stories (Case). 1998-05-24. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/239975>, accessed 11 January 2025.
Stories (Case). 1998-05-24. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 11 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/239975>