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De Laudonniere again reached the Florida Coast and sailed north until he
saw the marker left by Ribaut. He came on up the bluff and decided to
build his settlement on the southern bank of the river."
The boat had now approached the high bluff. On its outer edge
and shining up between the trees like snow in the sunshine was beautiful
white sand. Above this as far as one could see were tall cedars, oaks,
and pines reaching skyward. Earl, looking up, exclaimed "What a dandy
place for a fort on the high bluff? No enemy could come near without
being seen!"
"But the fort was not on the top of the bluff," remarked Uncle
Henry. "Strangely enough Laudonniere built it at the foot, just west of
the bluff. Here the ground sloped gradually along the river bank. On the
south side was a dense rolling forest while on the east was a deep drop to
a little creek. Beyond the creek were continuous marshes to the ocean.
It is practically the same today except that the water has washed against
the shore and made great sand dunes along the edge of the bluff."
"Were the Indians friendly?" inquired Earl as he watched his
uncle adjust the meter so the boat could drift along while they
approached the bluff.
"Yes, they had liked Ribaut so when Laudonniere and the
colonists came they were welcomed with gifts by the natives. The
Indians even assisted in building the fort."
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A Trip to Fort Caroline. 1940. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181547>, accessed 3 January 2025.
A Trip to Fort Caroline. 1940. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 3 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181547>