Distant Storm: Florida's Role in the Civil War
A Sesquicentennial Exhibit
Correspondence Concerning Abolitionist Jonathan Walker
Series: (Series 177, Territorial Governors� Correspondence, 1820-1845)
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Civil War
Marshal’s Office D. W. Florida
Pensacola 9th Febry. 1845
Marshall Office D. W. Florida
Pensacola 9th Feby. 1845.
Dear Sir,
Jonathan Walker imprisoned in the City
for stealing slaves, made an attempt last evening,
to break Jail, but was discovered before he could
make his escape, on his person was found the enc-
-losed communication from the British Foreign
Anti Slavery Society, which document might be viewed
by some of little importance, but to my mind taken
in connection with other facts, is further evidence
of the interference of a foreign power with our insti
-tutions, under the fictitious garb of Anti Slavery;
actuated by this impression, I transmit this
specimen of British vituperation to your Excellency
I have the honor to be
Sir, very respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Eben Dorr
U. S. Marshal
D. W. F.