Distant Storm: Florida's Role in the Civil War
A Sesquicentennial Exhibit
E. W. Johns to John Milton, October 3, 1862
Series: (Series 577, State Governors Incoming Correspondence, 1845-1877)
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Civil War
Confederate States of America
Purveyors Office
Richmond Va Octr 3d. 1862
I have the honor to represent that a large amount of Alcoholic Stimulants are indispensible in the treatment of the sick and wounded of the Army; and that the duty of providing the said stimulants is devolved upon this Department. Of the required amount according to an estimate made in this office, a considerable portion has been contracted for, but there still remains a large quantity to be provided.
I therefore respectfully request that authority be granted this Department, to contract for the manufacture and delivery of as much Whiskey and Alcohol as may be required for the armies Confederate States for Medical and Hospital purposes, and that the parties contracting for the delivery of the said Whiskey and Alcohol to this Department for the purposes aforesaid be exempted from the operation of any Statute or order prohibiting the distillation of grain in the State of Florida.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your obt St
E. W. Johns P. M. G.
To His Excellency
John Milton
Gov of Florida